Friday, 17 June 2011

To be Oprah or not to be Oprah?

Dear Sitters,

It has come to my attention that a few folks are not too impressed with the agony aunt stuff that's been posted on here lately. Then again, it seems that quite a few of you are. Me, I'm just your average everyday caring, sharing superstar trying to do my bit for the mortals - it's either this or I head off to Mali and adopt a few kids, assuming Madonna hasn't taken them all.

So let me know how you feel. I am your instrument. Your tool. This is your domain and I am your humble servant. Your wish is my command.

Yours Sincerely,

Uncle Bill.


  1. Does seem to have run off on a bit of a tangent

    1. But is that a bad thing? What do you think?

  2. I think it's great!What else are going to talk about in here?

    1. Isn't it all made up anyway Bill?

    2. Have I struck a nerve?

    3. No nerve struck, I was away from my lxurious home office for a few days. What do you mean made up? These are real letters.
